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Thursday, September 23, 2010


Well i have had some health problems lately:( first it was my toe and camping was a little hard to keep it clean... Next i thought i was prego... No.... Now its my tooth.:( and something else but its personal:) so i go on Monday to see how much its going to cost for my tooth if it can be saved or no!!! I am only 22 and i cant start losing teeth, Maybe i should brush twice and day and floss. sounds simple but do we really do it???? I don't so we'll see what happens. Dan started school he is little stessed but not to bad, I have learned by being married sometimes you just have to shut your month and let things go:) best edvice LOL Me and dan are great other then my problems, so glad Dan is a healthy person. We want a family, but it's truly up to the lord! that's about it for September.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The cruise was over all very fun, other then a few storys but that what makes life so fun!! I lovee spending time with the hubby! I love him so very much he is my other half. he is just starting school. a little stressed but it's life. he is going into IT computers something to do with computers is all know!